Avoiding Home Alarm Scams

While home alarm scams tend to hit during the summer because it gives more daylight hours to approach residents when homeowners are home after work, it's a good reminder that these scam artists can try to hit at any time.

That's why now more than ever it's especially important to be a diligent consumer when approached face to face about purchasing a home alarm system. Law enforcement officials around the country are reporting that the percentages of home invasions are on the rise. Avoid home alarm scams and illegitimate organizations. Over the years, lots of consumers have had problems with companies selling expensive home alarm systems door-to-door that aren't always what they are cracked up to be.

Consumers who are considering purchasing an alarm system should not be rushed into doing so on the doorstep, but should get at least three quotes from reputable companies approved by NACOSS The National Approved Council on Security Systems.

The salespeople might misrepresent themselves as representatives from the homeowner's alarm company, or use another brand name, such as ADT or GE Security. Unfortunately the dishonest will try to take advantage of consumer’s fears when it comes to selling home security systems.

In the monitored alarm industry, trunk slammers refers to salespeople who sell cheap, unreliable alarm systems directly out of their cars, and then slam the trunks shut and drive away. Trunk slammers reach customers by going door-to-door to homes and businesses with promises of cheap or even free security systems.

The salespeople might attempt to confuse the homeowner into signing a new contract or into making payments to a different company. Once you do agree, they will sell your signed contract to an alarm system company for a nice commission and disappear.

The solicitors might also claim to be selling a new and better product, or claim to fix a problem with the existing alarm system. If a homeowner doubts the authenticity of the representative, he or she should call the alarm company to confirm the identity.

Be forewarned about shady home alarm salesmen. Representatives from legitimate companies do not show up without appointments or the homeowner's knowledge. If the alarm salesperson knocking on your door does not have a security pocket card it's hard to tell who you're dealing with.


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