Current Amber Alerts, Staying up to date at Home
One type of alert that the Emergency Alert System sends are the current AMBER alerts that people are seeing when a child is reported missing. Whenever there is a serious emergency that the public needs immediate attention, the Emergency Alert System goes to work in utilizing all the available media channels that the individuals are likely paying attention to including cable providers, satellite radio, and digital television in general. With people more connected to others through the latest wireless technologies, more alerts can be spread out to reach people that are anywhere as long as they are tending to their mobile phones or computers using Internet access or through SMS and E-mail. AMBER Alerts Overview AMBER alerts start appearing whenever there is a confirmed incident where a child goes missing and is in serious danger. The entire system was created to make the public more aware of such incidents so the situation can be taken care of before things get out of hand. By using the latest communication technologies, the AMBER system has been working very well and many lives have been saved as a result. Still the AMBER system goes to work as more active AMBER alerts are being displayed on TV, on e-mail inboxes, and even on cellular phones. It also helps to stay up to date with the active AMBER alerts by checking out the main website located at http://codeamber.org.About the CodeAmber Website The CodeAmber website is home of the Code Amber News Service (CANS) where current AMBER alerts along with their statuses are seen. The latest AMBER alerts can be seen immediately in the front page along with the dates the alerts were triggered. Each Code Amber news item is accompanied with a short description, but the title can be clicked to get a full article regarding the incident and people involved so readers can be alert and provide any information to officials regarding the victim or suspect's whereabouts. Some photos are provided as well for the public to see. Cancelled Amber alerts can be shown as well which usually describe success stories where the child or children are found safe and the suspect taken into custody.On the left side of the homepage are videos of people that directly endorse the Code Amber News Service. Information about the whole system can be accessed in the "About Us" page. Another way to get active AMBER alerts is by obtaining the Code Amber Ticker. This widget can be placed in any web site to alert visitors or it can be placed on the desktop for easy access to the latest alerts. The widget can also be placed in blogs, Facebook, and MySpace pages.The Active Amber Alerts CANS Feed is another useful way to obtain current AMBER alerts in XML format for use in e-mail clients and feed readers. The advantage of using this is the flexibility of getting a list of current AMBER alerts that only occur in a specific area. This along with the entire website makes it very easy to stay up to date with any AMBER alerts being issued.From Current Amber Alerts to Amber Alert History